Prayer Points for Day of Prayer & Fasting (11/07/18)
Thank you for signing up to pray for one hour today. In this hour do pray as the Lord leads you but, to help us pray as one body across this day, please use the points below as a guide.
Read Matthew 9:36. Pray for the multitudes of people in Norwich. Pray for a move of salvation across our city. Pray for the transformation of lives.
In our Intercessory Team Meetings as of late, we have been praying into the issue of violent crime in Norwich. Against the rising background of knife crime in Britain, we want to pray now for the healing of our land (cf. 2 Chronicles 7:14). Pray against violence. Pray for an end to knife crime. Pray that hate would be replaced with love.
Currently as a local church we are facing an unsustainable £2-3k monthly financial deficit as giving has decreased and also other costs have gone up. Please pray that any financial hindrance on fulfilling the mandate that God has for us in our city and beyond would be removed. Specifically please pray for an extra £3k per month so that we can initiate the next stage of advancing our vision.
Pray for a full restoration of the tithe in One Church. The reality is that, if everyone who attends One Church tithed consistently, we'd be in a much stronger position and likely all our financial needs would be met. Please therefore pray that God would move on the hearts of those who love One Church to give faithfully, regularly and generously to help move our mission forward. Pray too that as they do this they would experience the supernatural provision and blessing of the Lord in their own lives.
Pray for a financial abundance so that we can be even more generous to local, national and international causes close to God's heart and also be in a financial position to take advantage of any opportunities that may come our way in the future (e.g. leasing or buying our own building, etc.).