Prayer Points for Day of Prayer & Fasting (28/03/18)

Pray for the people of One Church to have both opportunities to witness (cf. Colossians 4:3) and boldness to witness (cf. Acts 4:29). Pray that we would be an invitational people

Pray for those non-Christians who will be invited to our Easter Service over the next days. Pray for an opportunity to invite them (cf. Luke 14:23), that they would have ears to hear (cf. Matthew 13:15) and that they would be set free from spiritual captivity (cf. 2 Timothy 2:25-26).

Now please spend some time praying for the three people in your My 3 list (if you don't have a list yet, see here and ask God for three names now). Pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened (cf. 2 Corinthians 4:4), for them to have faith to believe (cf. Acts 20:21) and the will to respond (cf. Romans 10:9).