Prayer Points for Day of Prayer & Fasting (29/06/17)
The promised land was before Joshua and the children of Israel. Before they crossed the Jordan they firstly consecrated themselves. Even though they did this and entered the land, it was not too long before sin entered the body of people, with the past seeking to re-establish itself.
We have the promised land of heaven before us, and even though we know this, Satan’s lies seek to prevent us from receiving the blessings and promises of God. The past is past; we are to live in the present and move on into the future. This means looking upward to God, examining ourselves inwardly, and believing that in Christ we can do all things.
Scriptures for reflection – Joshua 3:5 & 7:13; 1 John 1:8-10.
The city of Norwich is to be entered and taken for Jesus Christ. Pray that all we are and do as a church will draw people to Jesus. Pray also that we will hear God clearly and know the strategies that He wants us to employ at any given time.
Scriptures for reflection - 2 Corinthians 2:14-17; Ephesians 5:1-2.