Prayer Points for Day of Prayer & Fasting (31/08/17)
Thank you for signing up to pray for one hour today. In this hour do pray as the Lord leads you but, to help us pray as one body across this day, please use the points below as a guide.
Pray for an inflow of new believers into One Church - for a great harvest of souls. Pray especially for this autumn season that One Church members would lead friends and family to Christ.
Spend some time praying specifically for the 3 people on your ‘My 3’ list. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel. Pray for their salvation. Pray that the veil would be lifted from their eyes (2 Corinthians 3:14-15; Acts 26:18).
Pray for our new sermon series 'Welcome to Eternity' starting soon. Pray that God would use each message to change lives; that we would be a people who live in light of eternity.
Pray that as we enter September, the last month of our current church financial year, we will finish the year as financially strong as possible. Pray that we wouldn't simply come to a place of financial stability but also financial abundance resulting in us being able to be a blessing to causes well beyond our walls.
Spend some time praying today for issues of need internationally: for the people of Texas dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and also for those in South Asia who are facing devastating flooding too; for a peaceable solution to the North Korean missile crisis; for the prevention of Islamist terrorism across our world.