Prayer Points for May 2021

Prayer Points for May 2021

Prayer Points for May 2021

We must press on in prayer and intercession in these challenging times. There is an urgency that God has for these times. For our church, our local area, our nation, and beyond!

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.’ Matthew 6:33 NLT.

Let’s Pray For Our Local Area

Jeremiah 29:7 says that we should pray for the city where we live… ‘pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.’

And so we pray:

• For the welfare of Norwich and Norfolk that it would thrive in these difficult times. That businesses and companies would stay open and that rates of unemployment would not increase but would decrease.

• For the Norfolk Constabulary, local councils and other local authorities to safety and success in their work of governance in our local area.

• For continued disruption of ‘the County Lines’ drug dealing and the protection of the young people who are being targeted.

• For a manifestation of the power and presence of God in Norfolk in the many churches and ministries that are faithfully serving him here.

Let’s pray for our Nation

1 Timothy 2:2 instructs Christians to pray ‘for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”.

And so we pray:

• For Prime Minister Boris Johnson and all in the government of this nation to receive God’s wisdom as they lead this country through all the COVID challenges, including the pathway out of lockdown.

• For the continued protection and support for all staff and students in schools, colleges and universities. For the NHS and care workers as they continue to serve the sick and dying under these difficult circumstances.

• For a national awakening of prayer and repentance to manifest throughout the United Kingdom once again.

• For a continued disruption to the devil’s plans to harm this nation. Decree and declare that all his plans are put into confusion and fail. For light to expose the darkness. 

Let’s Pray for the Nations of the World

In Isaiah 56:7, God declares ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations."

And so we pray:

• For the nations that are experiencing social unrest at this time, that God would bring peace.

• We join the prayers of millions of Christians worldwide as pray against the global pandemic of COVID-19 and the new strains of the virus.

• We pray that souls would be won to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every nation of the world. That missionaries and soul-winning missions would be undeterred by the challenge of this health crisis. For God’s miracle power to be made manifest more and more in these challenging times throughout all the nations. We pray for the nations that are ‘closed’ to the work of the Gospel, that they would continue to experience an awakening to the Christian faith.

• We pray for persecuted Christians living overseas, that they would be strong under pressure and continue to witness the glory of God. For the Open Doors Watchlist 2021 - click here.

Let’s Pray For One Church

In Colossians 4:2 we as the church are reminded to, ‘Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving.’

And so we pray:

• For Sam, Hannah, Carol, Jes and other leaders in One Church. Pray that they would be fruitful and effective in leading One Church into our God-given assignments, including the re-opening of our services, the new Alpha Course and the new Connect groups that will form thereafter.

• For the Lord’s continued, protection, wisdom, strength, provision and guidance for the people of One Church and their families as we press on in faith. Giving thanks for all that He has done thus far. 

• To continue to be overflowing ‘presence carriers’ of the Lord, having boldness to share the gospel and reflect His love and glory wherever we go. That we would be launched into our places of influence.

• Let us pray that this month’s new series will speak to our hearts by the Holy Spirit and impart grace. Pray that as our church online experience improves that seekers will be reached with the Gospel.

• For all at One Church to be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit as we now step into the ‘new beginnings’ and respond to His continued promptings. Pray for the leadership team and their families as they begin this new and exciting transitional period.

• For refreshing, recharging and healing for all connected with One Church who are battling all forms of tiredness, sickness and pain. 

God bless

Pastor Sam Collinson

On Behalf of The One Team