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The Now and the Not Yet

The Now and the Not Yet

To what extent can we expect God to heal our bodies today? Addressing some of the excessive and erroneous ideas circulating about healing in contemporary circles, this sermon provides a robust and balanced theology of healing based on what the Bible teaches about the kingdom of God being simultaneously present and future. Our hope is that this message will both calibrate and galvanise the believer's expectations about healing in the present.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (The Parable of the Net)

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (The Parable of the Net)

There is coming a day when God will separate the righteous from the wicked, the believers from the pretenders, the good from the bad - and the outcome for the bad will be ugly. This sermon on the Parable of the Net exhorts us to get serious about eternity and also encourages each believer to keep on casting the net in view of that last day.

Foresight & Faithfulness (The Parable of the Shrewd Manager)

Foresight & Faithfulness (The Parable of the Shrewd Manager)

In the Parable of the Shrewd Manager Jesus draws a positive truth from a negative example and reminds us about the need for both foresight about the future and faithfulness in the present. This sermon illuminates this surprising and often misunderstood parable from Luke 16 and shows how we can use our money in the present in such a way that it wins us eternal friends and makes an eternal impact in heaven.



Will You Be Ready? (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Will You Be Ready? (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Jesus is coming back again - we need to let the fact that Jesus could come back at any time dramatically impact the way we live today. There will only be two kinds of people when Jesus returns to this earth: those who are ready and those who are not. This sermon unpacks the Parable of the Ten Virgins and shows you how to have enough oil - how to be and live ready - for the return of Jesus.

This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

This Easter Sunday sermon highlights some of the staggering consequences of the resurrection: the resurrection proves Jesus is who He said He is; it shows He has the power He claimed to have; it means that He will do everything He says He will do. Because He was raised from the dead, Jesus can redeem our past, fix our brokenness and make us right with God; He can give us power to live in the present and courage to withstand persecution, problems and pain; and if that wasn't enough, He can give us hope and a future in heaven. 


This is the video that Pastor Dominic refers to in the sermon about the evidence for the resurrection:

The Afterlife: Your Questions Answered

The Afterlife: Your Questions Answered

In the finale to what has been an eye-opening, life-impacting and vitally important sermon series on eternity, Pastor Dominic answers your questions about the afterlife. Listen for answers to questions on what the Bible has to say about purgatory, whether it is possible to sin in heaven, what age our resurrection bodies will be, whether married couples will be together in heaven, if we'll be reunited with our pets in heaven and much more.

What Will Heaven Be Like?

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Pretty much every Christian can tell you how to get to heaven; many will struggle, however, to describe heaven. This sermon dispels some of the common myths about what life will be like in heaven by showing what the Bible actually says about it. Listeners will gain a wonderful new appetite for heaven as the biblical truth about God bringing heaven and earth together into the same dimension at the climax of history is explored. Listen and discover the joys and adventures that await the believer on the recreated new earth.

Hell Under Fire

Hell Under Fire

This sobering but highly illuminating sermon sheds light on the biblical doctrine of hell. Highlighting the deficiencies of some of the popular alternatives to hell today, a case is put forth for the historic Christian position on eternal conscious punishment. Christian listeners will bask in the profound and beautiful grace of the cross of Jesus that saves them from hell; they will be inspired to prioritise their lives around proclaiming God's solution to hell. Non-Christian listeners, after learning that there are no second chances after death, will be presented with the most awesome invitation of all: to embrace the only one who can save them from hell and bring them into everlasting life with God in heaven.

The Judgement Seat of Christ

The Judgement Seat of Christ

If you are saved by grace through faith you have already been declared righteous by faith in Christ; this means that heaven awaits you. Yet whilst it is right to revel in this magnificent truth, often we forget that there will be a judgement of believers too. This sermon unpacks what will happen on that day when each Christian will give an account of their lives – both their acts of commission and acts of omission - before Jesus. You will be galvanised to live in such a way to make your works today count for eternity – to be the kind of believer who lives the kind of life that will receive a reward from Jesus at His judgement seat.

A Great White Throne

A Great White Throne

At the Great White Throne the unsaved dead of all the ages will receive their final sentence: eternal punishment in the lake of fire. This sermon unpacks what Revelation 20 has to say about this final act of judgement. Unbelievers will be challenged as they listen to ponder just exactly where they will be after death; believers will freshly appreciate the life-changing, eternity-altering work of Jesus to save them from eternal condemnation and be galvanised to share the truth of eternity with others.

One Minute After You Die

One Minute After You Die

One minute after you die you will either be in a state of indescribable joy or unbearable misery. Where and how you end up depends on the investments into eternity that you have made in this life, not least whether you have made Jesus the Saviour and Lord of your life. This eye-opening sermon unpacks what the Bible teaches about the intermediate state (that is, the present heaven and the present hell), as well as the future state which will be ushered in once Christ comes again. Learn what happens to both the believer and the unbeliever at both the point of death and then a moment later.

Through the Lens of Eternity

Through the Lens of Eternity

So often we allow earth-bound, naturalistic thinking to inform how we live our lives; this sermon reminds us that to live effectively on this earth we must have the perspective of eternity.