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The Object of Faith

The Object of Faith

In a day in which the doctrine of faith is sometimes manipulated and stretched beyond its biblical bounds, this sermon helps us discover what faith really is and how it really operates. You will learn that faith is only as strong as its object and that true biblical faith is dependent on the revealed promises of God, not our whims or desires or something that God has not revealed. Be encouraged as you listen to both face the facts and “faith the facts” and learn about the connection between faith and the power of God.

Who Are You Talking To? (The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

Who Are You Talking To? (The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

The Parable of the Persistent Widow tells us about the importance of persistence in prayer. It shows us that our persistence is not a plea to be heard but is rooted in being daughters and sons of the King, confident that God hears us when we pray. In contrast to the widow approaching the unjust judge, we persist in prayer precisely because we’re praying to God who loves us and cares about us.

Cultivating Your Heart for a Spiritual Harvest (The Parable of the Four Soils)

Cultivating Your Heart for a Spiritual Harvest (The Parable of the Four Soils)

The parable of the four soils reveals that the Word of God doesn't operate mechanically or inevitably. Two people can hear exactly the same message: one can have their life changed yet the other can remain unmoved. The ultimate reason for this is explained in this all-important parable; Jesus teaches us how the conditions of our heart need to be right in order for us to experience harvest. This sermon unpacks Jesus' teaching here and shows how to transform the soil of our heart into good soil that can bear much fruit.

Taking Jesus at His Word

Taking Jesus at His Word

Even before we’ve seen a sign we can put our faith in Jesus, knowing that He is who He says He is and He does what He says He will do. If you’re currently on the journey between hearing the word and seeing the sign, know that you can take Jesus at His word. Listen now to this faith-building sermon: Taking Jesus at His Word.

Confronting the Prosperity Gospel

Confronting the Prosperity Gospel

Does God want every believer healthy and wealthy? This message offers a passionate, biblical critique of the central claims of the popular modern-day prosperity preachers and shows that, however one tries to clothe the prosperity gospel in biblical garb, it is totally irreconcilable with the true gospel of Jesus Christ and also detrimental to one's walk with God. Though some settle for less and pursue the short-lived earthly idols of health and wealth, Jesus has something far better to offer us - and in all things anyway, He is enough! 

Touching Jesus

Touching Jesus

Many people were healed by the touch of Jesus; usually He touched them but this sermon tells the story of a woman who actually touched Him. Oftentimes Christians can have a passive, one-dimensional approach to their relationship with God: "well, if it be God's will, then I guess He'll just do it for me".  But true faith actively goes after the revealed promises of God. This message unpacks the ingredients that must be in place if we are to encounter Jesus' power; it shows the miraculous possibilities that await us when we touch Him with the touch of faith.

Crossing Over

Crossing Over

At one point or another every church in every generation comes to a crossroads - a moment - at which they need to decide whether or not they will enter into God’s destiny for them. At this key time in our journey, this Vision Sunday sermon is an inspiring, rallying call to One Church not to miss our moment but to cross over into all that God has said is possible as we respond to His promises with faith and obedience. 

A Mother From Zarephath

A Mother From Zarephath

Faith begins when you trust God’s promise enough to obey His commands, despite what you see with your natural eye. When the widow of Zarephath was at her lowest point, a simple act of faith changed absolutely everything; her response of obedience to God's Word resulted in blessing flowing into her life in unexpected ways. This Mother's Day 2017 sermon reminds us that the little in our hands remains little if it stays in our hands but placing it into God's hands can usher in the miraculous.

What Are Your Words Creating?

What Are Your Words Creating?

In so many ways your words have the power to create the reality in which you live. In fact, you are planting seeds each time you talk; you are giving life to what you’re saying and eventually you’re going to eat the fruit of that! So often we unwittingly call in bad things into our lives because of our negative words. This sermon shows you how to harness the incredible potential of the tongue to speak faith-filled words that carry God's life-giving power into every sphere of your life. You will learn how to prophesy God's best into your future by putting God's Word into your mouth.






Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

There are people who just cannot get to Jesus on their own. Such was the case with the paralytic of Mark 2. But thankfully he had faithful, faith-filled friends who stopped at nothing to get him to Jesus - and because of them the paralytic received two amazing miracles that day. This message reminds us that all around there are people who are paralysed by the results of sin. They won’t get to Jesus on their own; they need someone to carry them - they need you! 



The Bible speaks often about building memorials around significant spiritual events; these help to build faith for today and hope for tomorrow and enable us to keep the faith alive as we teach future generations about what God has done. This sermon reminds us about the importance of having our own memorial stones - not physical monuments as such but raising the profile in our thinking of the things that God has previously done. You will discover that not only does such remembrance display gratitude to God but also something powerful happens in us and also in others as we remember.

Soaring to New Heights

Soaring to New Heights

Eagles do not fly like other birds, flapping their wings profusely and using their own strength. Instead, the eagle spreads its wings and the wind carries the eagle soaring through the sky. Just as it is with the eagle, we need to learn to spread our wings of faith and ride the heavenly winds of the Holy Spirit. This sermon draws out a number of amazing lessons for believers today from the way of the eagle. Bringing to the fore the revelation that we are called to live in high places, you’ll be inspired to get out of the nest, to spread your wings and to soar to new heights never before experienced.

A New Thing

A New Thing

At times we can’t see the new thing that God is doing because we have become blinded by the past. That’s why we need to change our perspective – for God is far more interested in our future than He is in our past. You may feel like your past has turned your life into a wasteland but in that very desert place we believe God wants to release new life.

This sermon was delivered on the occasion of One’s Church first Sunday in our new meeting venue, The Hewett Academy. This relocation marks a new era for One Church as God gives us a new wineskin to receive the new wine that He wants to pour out in these days.  



God calls us to leave behind the familiar and launch out into deep waters. This message, delivered by guest speaker Dr Randlee Reddy from Veritas Christian Ministries in South Africa, is a call to accelerate our pursuit of the plans and purposes of God.

Daring Faith, Unswerving Hope, Radical Love

Daring Faith, Unswerving Hope, Radical Love

Daring faith, unswerving hope and radical love describe what we as Church are called to live out. These words outline what we need to demonstrate to see God’s kingdom come – what it’s going to take to see our communities, our cities and our nations impacted and transformed in Jesus’ name.  This sermon will inspire you to have a faith in God that dares to grasp hold of His promises for our lives and for the lives of others; to persevere and remain steadfast in hope, being firmly anchored regardless of any storm; and to be filled, motivated and driven by radical love.

This sermon, from our Vision Sunday (Part One) on 24th January 2016, marked the announcement of our new name. The statement 'daring faith, unswerving hope, radical love' is the strapline for One Church.

Just Do It

Just Do It

There’s a dangerous gap that many Christians find themselves caught in: the gap between knowing and doing. Authentic faith requires practical obedience: show me what you do and I’ll show you what you really believe. Ultimately each Christian will stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ to give account for their actions on this earth; wisdom would suggest we think and plan ahead now. This is the last message in The Core series and includes a rallying call to put each of the last 16 sermons into practice.



Being saved does not mean playing it safe. In our increasingly risk-averse culture, we do well to remember that anyone who ever accomplished anything great for God took risks. The life of faith begins by jumping out of the boat – risky, yes, but that’s exactly the place where Jesus is! This message explodes the myth of safety and will inspire you to rise above the fear of failure and attempt great things for God.