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Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

In a world filled with conflict, God calls Christians to be agents of peace. This sermon describes the true meaning of peace and shows how to not only be filled with God’s peace, but also be a peacemaker to the people around you. Discover that as you make peace, you reflect your heavenly Father and bear the family likeness.

Blessed Are the Pure In Heart

Blessed Are the Pure In Heart

It is possible to live a divided life: when we don’t give ourselves totally to sin but we don’t give ourselves totally to God either. This sermon shows that a happy person is a holy person - a person with a clean heart and an undivided heart. We learn that being pure in heart means pursuing daily cleansing and making the pursuit of God’s glory the chief passion of our lives; when we live in this way we discover that it is possible to see God in quite a remarkable way in the here and now.

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

All of us are involved in a quest for fulfilment; in the fourth beatitude Jesus shows that true fulfilment is to be found in hungering and thirsting after righteousness. This sermon shows that this means desiring to live free from the power of sin and to walk right with God. You will learn how to cultivate a growing desire within you for this righteousness. 

How to Handle Criticism

How to Handle Criticism

If you’re doing anything significant, criticism will come; that’s why we need to be prepared for it and know how to handle it. You may not be able to stop criticism from coming but you do have a choice as to how you respond. This practical sermon illuminates four biblical principles that show you how to make criticism work for you instead of against you. As you learn what to do with accurate criticism, inaccurate criticism and malicious criticism, you’ll be able to harness all types of criticism in such a way that it propels you forward into God’s future for your life.

How to Handle Offence

How to Handle Offence

You can’t always control what’s handed to you but you can control what you do with it. Offence in life is inevitable but staying offended is a choice; in many ways your response to offence will determine your future. This sermon exposes offence as the bait of Satan and shows how to handle the offences that arise in a way that builds us up instead of destroying us.

The Highly Tuned Brain & When It Misfires: Depression & Anxiety

The Highly Tuned Brain & When It Misfires: Depression & Anxiety

In this message our guest Dr Robin Lawrence - a respected Harley Street psychiatrist - sheds personal, physiological and biblical insight on anxiety and depression. His fascinating talk will illuminate, educate and encourage anyone who has suffered with anxiety or depression or who has a family member or friend who has suffered similarly.

The Pain of Shame - the Imposter Complex

The Pain of Shame - the Imposter Complex

Shame is an insidious and powerful feeling that distorts our sense of self and leaves us believing we are defective. These beliefs are at complete odds with how God made us and sees us.  In this message, professional Christian counsellor and guest speaker Kay Lawrence looks at healthy shame vs toxic shame; the manifestations of shame and how to change the script. Perfectionism, procrastination and self-sabotage are not your portion. You are not an imposter - you are a child of God.

Inner Healing

Inner Healing

Many people carry wounds deep in their soul; if not dealt with these can seriously impinge on the quality of our lives and prevent us from moving forward into our God-given destiny. This sermon shows how to be emotionally healthy instead of struggling through life with damaged emotions. You will learn how to identify the messages of negativity and false beliefs in your inner narrative and replace them with the truth of who you are in Christ.



God created us body, soul and spirit and His heart is that we are made whole in all areas. This sermon looks at one of Jesus’ healing miracles and shows how Jesus’ concern was with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Whether we are currently going through struggles or not, we can be confident that in Jesus, we stand on the promise of true restoration and complete wholeness.

Understanding Your Emotions

Understanding Your Emotions

Emotions are a beautiful, God-given part of our human nature which add richness to life; however they will lead you every which way if you let them rule you. Too many people make the mistake of living solely by their feelings but whilst we shouldn’t deny our emotions we can’t rely on them either. This sermon explains the purpose of emotions as gauges not guides and shows us how to master our emotions instead of them mastering us. The listener is reminded that with the Holy Spirit’s help we can do right even when we feel wrong.

Breaking Out of the Debt Trap

Breaking Out of the Debt Trap

Today people routinely spend more than they earn; the result is that not only are they running out of money before running out of month, they are being swept into a sea of debt. This sermon shows what responsible and irresponsible borrowing looks like and draws on biblical wisdom to show the way out of debt.

The Money-Wise Christian

The Money-Wise Christian

Packed full of biblical insight and instruction, this message contains lots of top tips on how to use your money wisely. Drawing on James 5:1-5 and other scriptural passages, you will learn what the wrong and right accumulation, acquisition and allocation of wealth looks like. As you listen you will be given keys to walk in financial freedom and to manage your money today in such a way that treasures are stored up for you in heaven.

Confronting the Prosperity Gospel

Confronting the Prosperity Gospel

Does God want every believer healthy and wealthy? This message offers a passionate, biblical critique of the central claims of the popular modern-day prosperity preachers and shows that, however one tries to clothe the prosperity gospel in biblical garb, it is totally irreconcilable with the true gospel of Jesus Christ and also detrimental to one's walk with God. Though some settle for less and pursue the short-lived earthly idols of health and wealth, Jesus has something far better to offer us - and in all things anyway, He is enough! 

The Significance of the Small Beginning

The Significance of the Small Beginning

In our culture of instant gratification we often expect the glorious and the grand straight away, failing to recognise that God often has the habit of starting the great and big things through the seemingly ordinary and insignificant things. This inspirational New Year's Eve sermon - which contains a rhema word for One Church in 2018 - exhorts us to be faithful in the day of small things and shows us how to keep on going on the face of difficulties and opposition. You will gain a new perspective on your struggles and learn how to bless your day of small beginnings, thereby being positioned to walk in God's best this next year and beyond.

Peeled: Gentleness & Self-Control

Peeled: Gentleness & Self-Control

As we conclude our exploration of the fruit of the Spirit, we look at the final two aspects of true Christian character described in Galatians 5: gentleness and self-control. Learn how to demonstrate humility, grace and restrained might; discover how to show moderation, constraint and also say "no" to the things that seek to enslave us.

Peeled: Kindness, Goodness & Faithfulness

Peeled: Kindness, Goodness & Faithfulness

This message continues our look at the fruit of the Holy Spirit as we explore kindness, goodness and faithfulness. As the Holy Spirit works in our lives, we change from the inside out. Learn how to demonstrate the kindness of God to those around you in word and action, how to let God's goodness flow out of you to minister to the needs of others and how to be steadfast in fulfilling what you have been entrusted with.

Peeled: Peace & Patience

Peeled: Peace & Patience

The peace of God calms our concerns even in the midst of severe trial. This sermon shows how to nurture and protect the fruit of peace when our peace is under attack. It also looks at the next trait of the Spirit in our series: patience. Learn how to remain steadfast and keep a godly perspective in a world filled with pressures and irritations.

Peeled: Love & Joy

Peeled: Love & Joy

Love and joy are the first two characteristics of Jesus listed in Galatians 5; Jesus also states in John 15 that we are to love and be full of His joy. This message explores these two key attributes, how to appropriate them and how to use them to impact a world in need.

Peeled: What's Under Your Skin?

Peeled: What's Under Your Skin?

We live in a culture obsessed with outward appearance but God is more interested in what's under our skin. As Christians we should be growing in the fruit of the Spirit, the 9 traits that reflect the character of Jesus. Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit is essential to us becoming more and more like Jesus - becoming who we were meant to be and showing the world Jesus.

Adjust Your Volume

Adjust Your Volume

God is speaking but often we are not tuned into His voice; this hinders us from living out God's best in life. This sermon gives practical keys to turn up the volume on God's voice and turn down the volume on the other competing voices that vie for our attention. Listen and be equipped in learning how to recognise God's voice.