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Prospering in a Time of Famine

Prospering in a Time of Famine

When famine struck the land in which he was living, Isaac faced a choice: to go down to Egypt where there were greener pastures or to choose to trust in God's word to him, even though it didn't seem to make sense in the natural. It was a matter of life and death but Isaac made the right choice. Isaac has much to teach us about how we can position ourselves for harvest even in a land of famine - and these are the principles that this sermon unpacks.

The sermon is also a specific challenge to One Church at a critical point in our church's history. It reminds the church that God's perfect will for us will not just happen automatically - that we each have an active part to play if we want to realise God's amazing destiny for us.

The Babies Are Coming

The Babies Are Coming

The spirit of barrenness is a spirit of stagnation and limitation that wants you to remain where you are and stop you from progressing into God's best for your life. But a survey of the Bible shows that even in our barrenness God can bring life to what has become stagnant - and we discover that many great deliverers were indeed born from barren wombs. This New Year's Day sermon is a call to move, under the anointing of God, from barrenness to fruitfulness. Specifically, in a climate in which many Christians are spiritually barren (i.e. spiritually childless), it is a challenge to One Church to make 2017 a year of soul-winning with a view to becoming spiritual fathers and mothers to others.

A New Vision

A New Vision

Bishop Lebert Shakes, Chaplain at HMP Wayland, exhorts us from Isaiah 6 to be a church filled with God's glory. As you listen be encouraged that greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in our city.

Spiritual Renewal

Spiritual Renewal

The book of Nehemiah tells not only how the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt but also how the people of God were rebuilt. It is a book about the causes and effects of revival. Revival actually depends a lot more on us than we often think and a lot less on God than we often think; that's because God is always wanting to revive us but often we are not ready. This sermon draws out 10 crucial components from Nehemiah that are key to creating the kind of spiritual atmosphere that is conducive to revival.

Renewing Culture

Renewing Culture

We are called to be salt and light in the world, playing our part in transforming and renewing the culture around us. Taking our inspiration from Jesus, who was radical in His challenge and renewal of the culture of His day, we can engage with and understand culture, seeking not to critique from a distance or become consumers of culture but to be part of God's redemptive plan to bring renewal to all aspects of the culture we're in.

Let the River Flow

Let the River Flow

This sermon - delivered by Malcolm Reeve, a member of the One Church leadership team – is based on Ezekiel 47, Ezekiel’s vision of a river of life flowing out of the temple. The message is a call to be a church that transforms what is dead into life - to be a church that is a river of life in our city, an outlet of transformation to all who we encounter.

Spring Up, O Well

Spring Up, O Well

The wells of our spiritual fathers and mothers need to be reopened in this generation; the fact is that many have never drunk of the wells of which they drank. This sermon reminds us that the destiny of the church is not wrapped up only in the new but also in the ancient paths – in retrieving ancient ways such as prayer, evangelism, Spirit baptism and consecration. But as well as re-digging old wells, we are reminded that we need to dig new wells and lay claim to new spiritual territory in our generation – so that we will leave a legacy from which future generations can drink.

Bringing Heaven Down

Bringing Heaven Down

Revival has more to do with us than we think. And miracles, signs and wonders are not the exception but the norm. In this message, Pastor Dominic unpacks biblical teaching about bringing the kingdom of heaven to every sphere of our world.