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Adjust Your Volume

Adjust Your Volume

God is speaking but often we are not tuned into His voice; this hinders us from living out God's best in life. This sermon gives practical keys to turn up the volume on God's voice and turn down the volume on the other competing voices that vie for our attention. Listen and be equipped in learning how to recognise God's voice.

The Presence

The Presence

In this message our Elim Regional Leader Dave Campbell reinforces some wonderful biblical truths: we don't gain God's favour, we just receive it; the currency of the kingdom of heaven is hunger - therefore we can have as much of God as we want. Dave shows us how to follow - and keep - the presence of God both in the river (i.e. the good times when God's voice is abundantly clear) and the desert (i.e. those challenging times when God seems far off). Indeed in those desert times we need to remember the voice from the river that says we are loved and favoured by God.

Touching Jesus

Touching Jesus

Many people were healed by the touch of Jesus; usually He touched them but this sermon tells the story of a woman who actually touched Him. Oftentimes Christians can have a passive, one-dimensional approach to their relationship with God: "well, if it be God's will, then I guess He'll just do it for me".  But true faith actively goes after the revealed promises of God. This message unpacks the ingredients that must be in place if we are to encounter Jesus' power; it shows the miraculous possibilities that await us when we touch Him with the touch of faith.

Losing Jesus

Losing Jesus

Luke 2 tells the story about how Mary and Joseph lost Jesus for a short time. Of course, Jesus didn't run away from them - they left Jesus behind. But Mary and Joseph are not the only ones to have lost Jesus, for many Christians have lost their daily fellowship with Him too.  If Jesus feels more distant than He once was, might it be our own decisions and choices that have created this separation? This sermon unpacks five ways in which it is possible for us to lose our daily fellowship with Christ and what we can do to recover His presence.

Far From the Father

Far From the Father

In 'the parable of the two lost sons' in Luke 15, one son thought he messed up so bad that he was not worthy of the Father's forgiveness; the other son thought he was so good that he had no need of it. Both positions were problematic! And both sons - because of a wrong understanding of their father - ended up in a distant place away from their father - one son physically and geographically, the other son spiritually and emotionally. This Father's Day 2017 sermon is a call to come back home to the place of intimacy with God.

But the Church Prayed

But the Church Prayed

For many Christians and many churches corporate prayer has become an extra-curricular activity, not the indispensable component that it is in the Bible. Drawing on the example of the early church, this sermon reminds us that if we are to be a powerful church then we must also be a prayerful church. You will see that the faith-filled, corporate prayers of God's people can change even impossible situations; they increase our chances exponentially of seeing the miraculous break out. Learn more about the power of prayer and be inspired as you listen towards passionate, fervent, corporate prayer.

Something Missing

Something Missing

The Pentecostal understanding of the baptism of the Spirit is that there is a definite experience of the Holy Spirit to be sought and enjoyed subsequent to conversion that is different from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which happens at the point of salvation. This means it is possible to be a Christian and not be baptised in the Holy Spirit; in fact, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is sadly a missing element from the lives of many Christians. This Pentecost Sunday sermon will inspire you to live in the fullness of what God says is possible by being a person who is continually filled with the the Holy Spirit.

Stop, Look & Listen!

Stop, Look & Listen!

When crossing a road we are taught to stop, look and listen, making sure the way is clear and safe. As we travel the road that God has set before us there has never been a more important time to be listening to Him for His instructions and direction. To achieve this we need to form a daily habit: stop, look and listen. This message explores how God speaks to us and shows us how to develop our ability to hear Him.

The Spiritual Realms

The Spiritual Realms

If God is Spirit how do we relate to Him? What does it mean to be seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus? This sermon unpacks the dynamics of the spiritual realms; you will learn how to see with spiritual lenses what is happening behind the physical realm and cooperate with God through prayer for His will to be released on earth. 

Encouraged to Encourage

Encouraged to Encourage

The world has enough critics; what we need is more encouragers - people with a "you can do it" approach for others. The best encouragers know how to stay encouraged in the Lord themselves; this sermon unpacks how to do just that and also how to be a person who cheers others on in life and faith.

Today Could Be Your Day

Today Could Be Your Day

If you have no hope you have no future. Drawing on Jesus' encounter with the lame man in John 5, guest speaker Luke Brendling brings an inspiring message about holding on to hope even in the midst of pain, difficulty, disappointment and unanswered prayer.

A Mother From Zarephath

A Mother From Zarephath

Faith begins when you trust God’s promise enough to obey His commands, despite what you see with your natural eye. When the widow of Zarephath was at her lowest point, a simple act of faith changed absolutely everything; her response of obedience to God's Word resulted in blessing flowing into her life in unexpected ways. This Mother's Day 2017 sermon reminds us that the little in our hands remains little if it stays in our hands but placing it into God's hands can usher in the miraculous.

Let God Arise

Let God Arise

In this message guest speaker and worship leader Dave Wellington shares many wonderful insights from Psalm 68. Dave digs into the text to discover why we should be so extravagant in our worship, exploring what it is about God and His nature that will inspire us so. 

Being Fruitful

Being Fruitful

If you want to be fruitful in the Christian walk then there is only one way to do so: abiding in Jesus. This message points people to Jesus, the source of fruitfulness. Discover how to live the kind of life that He desires and to be effective as a Christian.

The Planting of the Lord

The Planting of the Lord

Do you feel that your life has wilted, is not growing or going anywhere? God wants you to flourish, mature and produce fruit. This message looks at our lives as trees planted in God, in the Word, and in the Church and encourages us to be properly rooted.

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

There are people who just cannot get to Jesus on their own. Such was the case with the paralytic of Mark 2. But thankfully he had faithful, faith-filled friends who stopped at nothing to get him to Jesus - and because of them the paralytic received two amazing miracles that day. This message reminds us that all around there are people who are paralysed by the results of sin. They won’t get to Jesus on their own; they need someone to carry them - they need you! 

A New Vision

A New Vision

Bishop Lebert Shakes, Chaplain at HMP Wayland, exhorts us from Isaiah 6 to be a church filled with God's glory. As you listen be encouraged that greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in our city.

Making Room for the Master

Making Room for the Master

The more room we make for God, the more He will move in our lives; give God more of you and you will get more of Him. Be blessed by this message from guest speaker, Luke Brendling. Luke is an itinerant minister based in the UK. He was formerly on team at Hillsong London, where he still serves as a volunteer pastor.

The Next Generation

The Next Generation

Christianity is potentially one generation away from extinction. Each generation has a responsibility to invest in and pass on the truth to the next generation. This sermon explains how as individuals and as a church we  can reach out, model faith and pass on a godly inheritance to the next generation.

Spirit Assisted Travel

Spirit Assisted Travel

When going on a journey many people trust in their satellite navigation devices to get them to their destination. We are all on a journey, not just in the natural but spiritually too - as individuals and as a church family. The Bible tells us that in all things we should trust God to direct our paths. How do we do this? Listen to this sermon from One Church Leadership Team member, Malcolm Reeve, and find out more.