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Statement on 02/03/18 at 1:30pm:

We were informed earlier that this week's very poor weather conditions have adversely affected The Hewett Academy site and that therefore the school will be completely inaccessible until early next week. Obviously - and disappointingly - this affects our 10am Service this Sunday. We were considering an alternative venue but, after subsequently reviewing the advice from Norfolk County Council about continued hazardous travel conditions over the weekend (plus also not being able to physically get into the Academy to retrieve our equipment), we have taken the decision to NOT MEET THIS SUNDAY.

That said, we are working hard on putting together a special worship programme which we will broadcast this Sunday at 10am via Facebook Live. So grab a coffee in the warmth and comfort of your own home and please watch and participate in this one-off ONLINE 10AM SERVICE. All you will have to do is go to our Facebook page or click on this link on Sunday at 9:55am: WATCH US HERE

Thank you for your understanding. Let's make it a great interactive service online on Sunday! See you on Facebook! :-) 

Stay safe and God bless,
Pastors Dominic & Catherine

P.S. On a different though related note, we know that many of you also prefer to present your tithes and offerings on the first Sunday of the month - and actually for our cash flow purposes it would still be very helpful if you could do that (although don't worry if you want to wait until we meet again on Sunday 11th March). The best way to give now is via debit or credit card online at; it's very quick and straightforward to do so - just click here.