Prayer Points for Day of Prayer & Fasting (09/11/17)
Please pray for the 21 men who completed our Prison Alpha this week. Pray that those who committed to Christ will persist as they seek to work out their faith in a challenging environment. Pray that the seed of the gospel that has been sown in each life will bear much fruit; pray against the influence of false ideas and false religion that can sometimes loom large in these settings.
Pray that as a result of this current sermon series 'Go' our church would be activated to go and make disciples. Pray that we would be a people who live life on mission.
As we get ready to relaunch our kids, youth and student programmes in the new year, pray for the right people to come alongside Ian & Tabitha Sadler as they seek to build their team. Pray for people who have a real passion for the next generation and to see them flourish as disciples of Christ.
Take some time today to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted. This resource from Open Doors will be helpful.