Prayer Points for Day of Prayer & Fasting (26/10/17)
Today please continue to pray for our current Alpha course which is taking place in a local prison. Thank God for those who have already come to faith in Christ; pray for the protection of the seed of the gospel that has been sown. Pray for radical salvation and infilling of the Holy Spirit for all the rest of the group.
Pray that, following the teaching over the last couple of months on eternity, we would indeed be a church that lives in light of the reality of the eternal truths that were taught - specifically, that we'd live in light of the reality of heaven and hell when it comes to how we relate to others.
Pray for our new sermon series 'Go' which begins in November. Pray that as a result we would be a church that goes and shows the power of the gospel to all around us. Pray that God would use each sermon to empower people to share Jesus with others.
As we approach Christmas, pray for workers for the harvest, open doors and supernatural resources. Pray also for lasting fruit.
Pray for Ian & Tabitha Sadler, the new leaders of our ministry to kids, youth and students. Pray that God would bring the right people along as they build team and that God would use them to spearhead the growth of our work with children and young people across all areas.
Spend some time today praying for a supernatural outpouring in One Church. Pray that the power of God would be present to heal the sick as we gather together in our public meetings and Connect Groups. Pray also for our people to walk in the power of the Spirit in their day-to-day lives and everyday situations.